Robert Davis and J. Robert Parks talk about two new films, Frederick Wiseman's Ex Libris: New York Public Library and Jordan Peele's Get Out. And Rob buys a ticket for a 17-minute film by Michelanglo Antonioni.
- 0:00
- Rob Buys a Ticket for a 17-Minute Movie
- 6:07
- Ex Libris: New York Public Library
- 34:43
- Get Out
Also Mentioned
- Michelangelo Eye to Eye (Lo Sguardo di Michelangelo) (Antonioni, 2004)
- Titicut Follies (Wiseman, 1967)
- Public Housing (Wiseman, 1997)
- Domestic Violence (Wiseman, 2001)
- Belfast, Maine (Wiseman, 1999)
- At Berkeley (Wiseman, 2013)
- "Tramp the Dirt Down" (MacManus, 1989)
- In Jackson Heights (Wiseman, 2013)
- Welfare (Wiseman, 1975)
- Crazy Horse (Wiseman, 2011)
- ABC Africa (Kiarostami, 2001)
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates
- Mississippi: An American Journey by Anthony Walton
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- Rat Film (Theo Anthony, 2016)
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
- The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
- "Middle Passage" by Robert Hayden
- "Reconstruction" by Anthony Walton
Hear More
- We talked about the film that Antonioni made with Jack Nicholson, The Passenger, in Episode 35